Introducing True Tribe
Alexandre Sundberg created True Tribe with the spirit of maximum freedom close to his heart. “Bare Minimum” has been the mantra for True Tribe since it was first established. After leaving his hometown Paris multiple times, Alexandre decided that “Bare Minimum” means to be free, both physically and mentally. True Tribe uses “ECONYL®”, regenerated nylon made from discarded fishing nets and other plastic waste to produce its swim and outerwear collections. This goes to show that True Tribe puts effort into crafting beautiful pieces, with hopes in changing the world one piece at a time.
Breathable, free-flowing swim and activewear with minimalistic designs and colors have been the key that has made True Tribe what it is today. The red iridescent shorts, for example, are simple in design but have such a strong and bold color, perfect for any occasion. Mesh lining and an inner elastic waistband add to the perfect design. The attention to detail can be accredited to the generational artisans who created each piece to perfection.
True Tribe wants to save the world, and wants everyone to explore it at the same time. The balance in mentality is why True Tribe has been around for as long as it has, and it doesn’t plan on going anywhere. Peace of mind and peace on Earth are two things that Alexandre and his team strive for every single day.