Free Game with James Whitner
“These kind of events are mutually beneficial for the both of us. I’m learning from ya’ll by listening to the things you are asking, the conversations we have, and just from observing,” said James Whitner, founder of The Whitaker Group.
On Wednesday, April 10, we held our first installment of Free Game with our very own James Whitner. The session was separated into two different portions with a work session from 3-6pm and a Q & A from 6-8pm. We wanted to create a space where people could work freely in, be themselves, and get to know James at a more personal level.
James was able to conversate and answer questions throughout the night from things on best business practices to his favorite food. People came from all over the United States to the session.
“My wife and I planned a quick trip up here from Tallahassee since we want to open a similar retail store. I wanted to learn from someone who looks like me, that’s why I’m here,” said Frederick Preston, Entrepreneur.
The main points that stuck out during the session were about coming up with a business plan, how to execute it, being different, and the importance of creating a relationship with the consumer.
“The advice I would give anyone starting a business is to first think of who, what, when, where, and why,” said James. “What about you makes you unique that you can turn into a business.”
Vibes, knowledge, understanding, and networking is exactly what Free Game with James Whitner is all about. We will hold “Free Game” work sessions once a month at beSocial, located at 1519 Central Ave, Charlotte,NC 28205.
“The event was organic,” said Jordan Daniels, Creative Director and owner of Equalnox Clothing Co. “It’s not forced which makes it dope.”
Follow us on IG at @besocialclt and view our calendar for more updates on future events.