Nov 15

Well Dressed Conversations Mixer


November 15, 2024

07:00 pm


Let's have well dressed conversations about fashion, style, and creativity.
For fashion enthusiasts, fashion stylists, fashion designers, and anyone in between.
  • Hosted by Well Dressed Conversations Podcast hosts, Jordan & Ki
  • Music by @mickiblendz
  • Special guest panelist : @wheadacashat_ @teejaysuave & @jhirva
Let’s grow the Street wear community in our community! Time to network. See you there!
About the Hosts: @Wdconversations_
Well Dress Conversations was created in early 2024. Ironically, the idea started out as a conversation between two coworkers and their love for the fashion industry. Originally Jordan Kendrick and Kiara Harris wanted to start a podcast centered around streetwear fashion in their local community as things began to develop and creativity started to flow they decided to be a bigger platform for the community. Planning to create events as far as networking to educate, clothing exchanges to engage and of course a podcast aim to air the top of 2025. The team WDC is definitely something to look out for!